The Gorillaz is the famous animated band created by lead singer of both Blur and the Good the bad and the queen along with his ex-flat mate and comic book artist jamie hewlette who created such comic as Tank Girl.
Now the Gorillaz have made two massive selling albums and now they have released a autobiography about the band. This is a unique autobiography as its not based on actual people. this means the writers can make surreal and exciting story in which no other bands could produces. with tales of incidents were the lead singer 2D loses his eyes and the story behind Russel's best friends ghost who haunts his body. the book also tell about real life events but makes as if the band are involved for example when they recorded in new york with the rap band D12. even their creators are in the story but in different roles as they are now. he book also includeds information on the music videos and the characters in the band showing their history ,their role in the band includng their intrests.
the book is also very visual intresting with loads of images created by Jamie Hewlette which was the reason i bought it in the first place it helps to tell the story and show the surrealism in the tales
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